Signing a life away

there is a lesson to be learnt by those who buy pets on impulse, one must always consider the fact that u are the one who would take care of the animal til its( or your) death. In health or sickness, rain or shine, your pet is your charge. Only if you are morally void can you feel that having a pet is like having a soft toy. U have to devote yourself to the upkeep of the pet, if not, there is only silent suffering on the part of the hapless animal. Should it lapse into a condition that is utterly miserable, and one finally realises that the animal is better off dead, bringing the unfortunate soul to the vet, and signing its life away, must will always be a deed that should not be done, or endured, by any responsible pet owner. I am saying this from experience, having to consign the life of a family member of 6 years to oblivion, i feel utterly disgusted at myself that i had to resort to euthanasia to release our companion from its agony. There was surely something else that could have been done, but i knew that if we allowed the condition of the animal to degrade to this stage, we will surely suffer divine retribution if we let it live out of mercy only for it to relapse into that state in the future once more.In the future, i myself will no doubt die a miserable death myself for being one of the people responsible, indirectly or otherwise, for our family member’s demise. The act of euthanasia may be a humane form of killing, but it is still murder nevertheless, and the sin will be something i will have to bear, and it will serve as a reminder to me to perform numerous good deeds merely to chip away at the weight of the sin bearing down on me.

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